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来源:济南奥数网整理   作者:奥数网编辑   2011-07-18 18:30:30



  1.以前他放学后总是玩电脑游戏, 现在不了.

  He _________________ computer games after school, but now he doesn't .

  2. 很抱歉, 我迟到了.因为我的自行车在上学路上出毛病了.

  I'm sorry I'm late. Because __________________my bike on my way to school.

  3. 昨天晚上Bill直到12点钟才上床睡觉.

  Bill ___________________________12 o'clock last night.

  4. 告诉你的妈妈尽快准备好晚饭, 客人马上就要来了.

  Please tell your mother to ____________________________, The guests are coming.

  5. 对我们来说每天早晨都坚持读十分钟英语非常重要.

  _____________________________________________ten minutes every morning.


  Linda and her brother, John, saved money for many years. One day, Linda emptied her money jar. "I would like to help other people with the money," she said. John also emptied his money jar.

  "We can do a lot for others with all the money," John said with a smile. "But who shall we help?" Linda asked. "Let's help our neighbors, Billy and his sister, Rose. I have found that there are some holes in their shoes," John said. "We could buy some new shoes for them," Linda said.

  Linda and John told their mother their plan. She was glad and took them to a shoe store at once. Linda picked out a pair of shoes for Rose. John picked out a pair of shoes for Billy. They put the two pairs of shoes into two beautiful boxes. When it was darker, John walked to Billy and Rose's house quietly. He put the boxes near the door, and knocked hard, and then he ran away quickly.

  Billy and Rose came out. "Look! There are presents for us. Someone left them here," Billy said. They looked around, but they couldn't find anyone. They took the boxes inside happily.

  The next morning, when Linda and John went out, they saw Billy and Rose playing outside. They were both wearing their new shoes. Linda and John were so happy because they could help others.

  1. Who was Linda's brother?

  2. What did Linda and John buy with their saved money?

  3. Where did John put the boxes?

  4. Why were Linda and John happy?

  5. Were Linda and John kind and helpful?

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