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来源:济南奥数网整理   作者:奥数网编辑   2011-08-09 14:37:00




  The older the better

  Ron, the teacher at the skydiving school, was a little surprised when he saw the grey-haired man drive up to the airfield. He was more surprised when the man said that his name was Walter and asked if he could take skydiving lessons.

  Ron asked Walter how old he was and Walter replied that he was 60. Ron explained to Walter that anyone over 50 had to be checked by a doctor before they could learn to jump from a plane. “I’m afraid you should have thought about that before coming here,” Ron said. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you start learning without a letter from your doctor.” Walter smiled. “Here’s a letter from my doctor. He made me take lots of tests and he says that I’m fine.”

  So Walter was able to join the skydiving school. He came to all the lessons and worked very hard, although the other students were much younger than him, mostly about 30. Soon it was time for him to make his first jump. Ron asked him if he was feeling OK. Walter replied that he had never felt better. However, he added that there was something he should have told Ron earlier. Ron asked what it was and Walter smiled. Then, just before he jumped, he told Ron that he wasn’t 60. Ron asked how old Walter really was and Walter told him he was 75!

  Walter’s first jump from a plane was six years ago and yesterday he made his eighteenth jump. “I should have started skydiving a long time ago!” he said. Walter has lots of other hobbies. He enjoys riding fast motorbikes and climbing mountains. Last year he was rescued by a police helicopter in Wales. Walter’s daughter Betty worries about him. “I think he should stop all these activities. But my mother says that as long as he’s happy it’s OK.”

  1. Is Ron a teacher?


  2. What did Walter have to show before he started learning skydiving?


  3. How did Walter feel about his first jump?


  4. How old was Walter when he came to the skydiving school?


  5. What kind of person was Walter?



  A. There is neither much rain nor much wind.

  B. How long have you been in Linyi?

  C. It doesn’t get warm until April.

  D. What’s the weather like in Linyi?

  E. Yes, it does.

  F. Does it snow often?

  G. Not very, but it’s windy.

  Bill Max: Good morning. Liu Yong!

  Liu Yong:  Morning, Bill.

  Bill Max:   1  

  Bill Yong:  It is cold in winter. Sometimes the temperature drops to fifteen below zero.

  Bill Max:  

  Liu Yong: Not very often.

  Bill Max: What’s your summer like?

  Liu Young: It’s hot and clear most of the time.

  Bill Max: What about spring?

  Liu Yong: Spring is the shortest season. 

  Bill Max: Is it rainy in spring?

  Liu Yong:        4 

  Bill Max: What about autumn?

  Liu Yong: Autumn is the best season in Linyi. It’s neither too hot nor too cold. 

  Bill Max: Thank you.

  Liu Yong: You’re welcome.


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