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来源:家长帮社区   作者:e度论坛   2011-11-10 09:56:20




  1.大漠沙如雪,燕山月似钩。         (      )

  2.危楼高百尺,手可摘星辰。         (      )

  3.白发三千丈,缘愁似个长。         (      )

  4.莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君? (      )

  5.白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。 (      )




  2.      2、在五位数22576的某一位数码后再插入一个该数码,能得到的六位数中最大的是多少?


  There are many online food shopping sites(网址). This is very surprising. Things like CDs, MP3, magazines and DVDs sell well online. But it is quite different to sell food online because people like to see food with their own eyes. It is very important for people to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. People like to choose their food by its color. They also want to feel and smell it. But some people like to go to the same shop to buy food, because they think the food there are very good. So if the food is always good, they may also feel comfortable(舒适的) buying it online.

  Boxes of fruit and vegetables have been delivered(运送) to homes around Britain for a few years now. Dried or canned(罐装的) foods are almost always the same, but things like apples are not. People may want to choose their own apples so they can take the ones that aren't bruised(碰伤)or the ones that look nice. Buy dried and canned food online is easier. A person can buy this kind of food on the Internet and then buy fruits and vegetables at a store or a market.

  Now people can also buy food through supermarket websites. There people can find most of the things that supermarkets usually sell. Other food websites sell different types of food. Some sell food from one part of the world, such as Asia and Africa. Others sell food that is hard to find in supermarkets. There are also websites that sell foods, such as cakes and candies.

  The food is usually delivered by the next day or even on the same day. People still need to be careful, though. They must check to see if the food is fresh when they get it. It is a good idea for people to find out how far away the food is being sent from. It is also a problem if the company does not use refrigeration(冷藏)when they deliver food that should be kept cold. If traveling a long way in summer to deliver the goods(货物), this is important.

  1.What does the writer think of the food shopping sites today?





  2.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

  A.Fresh fruit and vegetables aren't easier to sell than books online.

  B.There is difference between shopping online and shopping in stores.

  C.The foods bought online are always better than those in the supermarket.

  D.People like to buy dried food more than choose fruit on the Internet.

  3.What does the third paragraph(段)mainly tell us?

  A.It tells us there are many websites on the Internet.

  B.It introduces several types of food websites to us.

  C.It tells us how to keep food from the websites cold.

  D.It teaches us what to do after we get food online.

  4.What advice does the writer give us in the last paragraph?

  A.It is necessary to check the food when it is brought to your home.

  B.Shopping food online should be under control of our governments.

  C.Shopping online will have a much better future.

  D.The writer suggests that food companies should improve their services.


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